Use of ultrasound study to assess the early consolidation of metatarsal bone distraction regenerate in patients with brahimetatarziya.

Menschikova T.I., Neretin A.S.

Purpose. To determine the ultrasound criteria of early consolidation of the fourth metatarsal distraction regenerate.
Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics». Kurgan, Russia.










Materials and methods. Ultrasound study was performed on devices AVISUS Hitachi (Japan), VOLUSON 730PRO (Austria). The study included 12 patients with dysplasia of the 4 metatarsal. For extension of the fourth metatarsal bone basic layout of the Ilizarov apparatus was used. The metatarsal bone elongation was 24±5,2 mm in average. The distraction period of metatarsal bones elongation was 28±4,2 days. Results. It was established that the appearance of small hyperechoic structures in the area of intermediate regenerate included the first three days of distraction, formation ehoplotnosti fragments in endosteal reaction in 10-15 days from the beginning of the dis-traction, the increase in acoustic density of all regenerate, leading to early consolidation of bone fragments regenerate connective tissue and the lack of intermediate layer in the re-claimed area until visualizing continuous loop cortical plate with a penetration depth of ul-trasound to 3,5 mm. An additional ultrasound criterion testifying about the possibility of premature consolidation of distraction regenerate metatarsal bone was the expansion of the "slots" adjacent to metatarsophalangeal joint to 4,3± 0,6 mm.


Keywords: ultrasound, brahimetatarziya fourth metatarsal bone lengthening, osteogenesis.


Corresponding author:Menshchikova T.I., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: : Menschikova T.I., Neretin A.S. Use of ultrasound study to assess the early consolidation of metatarsal bone distraction regenerate in patients with brahimetatarziya. /em>

Received: 20.03.2017 Accepted:15.05.2017