The possibility of ultrasound in traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves of extremities.
: Zhurbin E.A., Gaivoronsky A.I., Zhelezniak I.S., Churikov L.I., Trufanov G.E., Dekan V.S.
urpose. To evaluate the possibilities and determine the diagnostic effectiveness of ultrasound in traumatic injuries of the peripheral nerves of the extremities. Materials and methods. The study included 154 patients with posttraumatic neuropathy of the peripheral nerves of the extremities. All patients underwent ultrasound examination on devices of expert class with linear sensors with a frequency range from 5 to 15 MHz. To assess the effectiveness of ultrasound, a statistical analysis of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy was conducted using the qualitative assessment method of reference (surgical intervention or positive conservative treatment) and the method studied (ultrasound). Results. It is established that the use of ultrasound is an effective diagnostic method for damage to the peripheral nerves of the extremities, allows a full assessment of the locali-zation and nature of the lesion, as well as determine the further tactics of treatment. As a result of ultrasound examination, 122 patients were operated on, conservative treatment was performed by 32 patients. After the comparative analysis of the data of preoperative ul-trasound with the revealed changes in the process of operative intervention, as well as with the results of conservative treatment, the diagnostic efficiency of ultrasound investigation was determined for damage to the peripheral nerves of the extremities. Conclusions. Ultrasound with an accuracy of 86.4% allows you to identify the dam-age in which surgical treatment is always shown, and to confirm the anatomical integrity of the nerve trunk, in which the injury is reversible and the operation is not indicated. |
1 - S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. 2 - Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre. St. Petersburg, Russia. |
Keywords: surgery of the peripheral nerve, ultrasound of nerve trunks, the diagnosis of nerve injury, nerve lesions treatment.
Corresponding author:Zhurbin E.A., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
For citation: Zhurbin E.A., Gaivoronsky A.I., Zhelezniak I.S., Churikov L.I., Trufanov G.E., Dekan V.S. The possibility of ultrasound in traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves of extremities. REJR 2017; 7 (3):127-135. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2017-7-3-127-135.
Received: 14.06.2017 Accepted:04.09.2017