Functional computed tomography for diagnostics of the knee endoprothesis loosening.

Lychagin A.V., Rukin Y.A., Zakharov G.G., Serova N.S., Bahvalova V.D., Dhillon H.S.

Рurpose. The purpose of this study was to determine possibilities of functional computed tomogra-phy for diagnostics of the knee endoprosthesis loosening. Materials and methods. A total of 12 patients with suspected knee endoprosthesis loosen-ing were observed. We performed dynamic computed tomography on the Toshiba Aquilion One 640. On MIP images in the three planes of the joint in the static position, we marked up to 5 lines. Every line connected the point in prosthesis component with the point in the periprosthetic cortical bone. After that, the computer analysed the functional research re-construction and showed the length of the same lines at each stage of knee flexion. If the length of at least one of the lines changes by more than 1.1 mm, we can confirm loosening of the endoprosthesis component. Results. According to data of dynamic computed tomography, in 2 patients we identified loosening of the tibial components, 1 patient – the loosening of the femoral com-ponent and 1 patient – the loosening of both components. In 8 patients knee implants were stable. In 10 patients we performed total revision knee arthroplasty. Computed tomogra-phy data were fully confirmed by intraoperative examinations. 4 patients were operated because of components loosening, 6 patients were operated because of patellofemoral in-congruence. 2 patients were treated conservatively with good results. Conclusion. The dynamic computed tomography of the knee after total arthroplas-ty showed high efficiency in diagnostics of the knee endoprosthesis loosening.

1 - Sechenov University. Moscow, Russia. 2 - Dr. Sunny Medical Centre. Al Shahba, Sharjah, UAE.



Keywords: total knee arthroplasty, aseptic loosening, dynamic computed tomography.


Corresponding author:Rukin Y.A., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

For citation:Lychagin A.V., Rukin Y.A., Zakharov G.G., Serova N.S., Bahvalova V.D., Dhillon H.S. Functional computed tomography for diagnostics of the knee endoprothesis loosening. REJR 2018; 8 (4):134-142. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2018-8-4-134-142.

Received: 10.10.18 Accepted: 11.11.18