Ternovoy S.K., Serova N.S., Abramov A.S., Ternovoy K.S.

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Moscow, Russia

Purpose. To develop a methodology for functional multislice computed tomography (fMSCT) of the cervical spine to assess the instability of the vertebral-motor segments (VMS).

Materials and methods. The study included 9 patients with vertebrogenic pain in the neck without radicular syndrome (with an absence of degenerative changes of intervertebral discs by magnetic resonance imaging). Patients made maximal flexion movement of the neck from the extension position in the supine position using multislice computed tomography scan - Toshiba Aquilion ONE 640. After the study the displacement of the vertebrae was assessed and measured.

Results. The developed fMSCT method used for the diagnosis of instability VMS cervical spine, improves accuracy and informativity of diagnosis, in contrast to the classical method - radiography with functional tests, the use of which does not permit an accurate assessment of spine statics and does not provide the possibility of determining the ventral and dorsal displacement of the vertebrae. This technique has been developed and implemented for the first time.

Conclusions. Functional MSCT - a promising noninvasive method for detecting the displacement of the vertebrae and identifying the unstable vertebral-motor segment (VMS) in the cervical spine, which is the optimization of diagnostic search for this group of patients. It allows traumatologists and orthopaedists to get the most accurate assessment of the surgical intervention tactics and volume within this pathology.

Keywords: fMSCT, the instability of the vertebral-motional segments, vertebral pain.


Corresponding author:  Abramov A.S., Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Ternovoy S.K., Serova N.S., Abramov A.S., Ternovoy K.S. Functional multislise computed tomography in the diagnosis of cervical spine vertebral-motor segment instability

REJR. 2016; 6 (4):38-43. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2016-6-4-38-43.

Received: 29.10.2016 Accepted: 15.11.2016