Mullahmetova O.A., Zykov S.Y., Trushnikova R.V.
The First republican hospital of the Udmurt Republic. Radiology department. Izhevsk, Russia.
Purpose. To describe a case of tuberous sclerosis detection in a pregnant woman on the basis of the tomography of abdomen and retroperitoneal space with contrast, chest and brain.
Materials and methods. . Particular attention is given to the detailed description of tomographic studies and identifying pathognomonic signs of lesions of the internal organs and nervous system.
Results. CT scan of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space revealed a number of signs to guide radiologists at the conclusion of the presence of angiomyolipoma in the single right kidney of the patient X. During further examination of spiral computed tomography of the chest lung damage by lymphangioleiomyomatosis type was revealed. The brain damage characterized by periventricular located calcifications and low-density areas. On the basis of medical history and tomographic data syndrome Pringle-Bourneville was proposed.
Conclusions. Computed tomographic diagnosis reveals signs that guide clinicians to make a correct diagnosis of the Pringle-Bourneville disease. Timely started treatment of these patients prevents the development of complications and improve their quality of life.
Keywords: Pringle-Bourneville disease, tuberous sclerosis, computed tomography, angiomyolipoma, lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
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For citation:For citation: Mullahmetova O.A., Zykov S.Y., Trushnikova R.V. Pringle-Bourneville disease. radiology case report in a pregnant woman.REJR. 2016; 6 (4):144-149. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2016-6-4-144-149
Received: 22.05.2016Accepted: 19.09.2016