
Current issue
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Dear colleagues!

Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology is pleased to welcome you on our electronic pages! REJR started its work in 2011. What once seemed too adventurous and impossible - a new format of medical scientific publication, promotion of advanced medical imaging technologies - is now our daily work. We have travelled a difficult path of creation, overcoming, formation, and gained unique experience. Everything has worked out thanks to a team of like-minded people, scientists who sincerely love our speciality and are ready to share their knowledge. This is the editorial board, which puts a lot of effort into each issue, as well as our respected authors - experienced specialists and young doctors. They generously share their knowledge with the readers of our journal, unique clinical cases, and the results of major researches of scientific teams.

To this date, we have achieved a high level of success.

REJR is included in category K1 of the list of journals from Higher Attestation Commission (scientific speciality 3.1.25. Radiology), is included in RSCI database, the core of Russian Research Citation Index, is included in the international citation database Scopus.

Subscription and publication of articles are free of charge (please carefully look at the requirements for the proposed materials on our website before sending us your articles). As you know, we accept for publication scientific reviews, original articles, interesting cases from clinical practice. Materials are accepted in two languages - Russian and English.

Dear authors and readers, it is very important for us to communicate with you, get your comments and feedback, which allows us to continuously improve the quality of our journal REJR - the leading scientific journal in radiology field.


Chief Editor of REJR

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor

Natalya Serova

Дорогие коллеги, друзья!

Наступил 2022 год! Для многих оказалось неожиданным, что пандемия коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19, вызванная вирусом SARS-CoV-2, не только не стабилизировалась и не снижается, но и показывает рекорды заболеваемости. И если госпитализаций и пациентов с поражением легких стало немного меньше, то отсроченное поражение органов-мишеней, как кажется, набирает обороты. В этой связи мы будем продолжать рубрику, посвященную лучевой диагностике COVID-ассоциированных изменений легких и применение методов лучевой диагностики при поражении других органов. Мы обращаемся к нашим коллегам с просьбой присылать научные материалы, посвященные этой теме.

Безусловно, мы продолжим публиковать оригинальные статьи, случаи из практики и научные обзоры, посвященные различным аспектам нашей специальности.

Должен еще раз обратить внимание авторов – не снижается количество статей, которые мы отклоняем или отправляем на переработку. Это очень затрудняет работу редколлегии и всего коллектива журнала. И, что очень важно, удлиняет сроки публикации материалов.

Дорогие читатели журнала REJR, ждем от вас отзывы, вопросы и пожелания по работе журнала.

Спасибо что вы с нами.

С уважением,

Главный редактор журнала,

академик С.К. Терново


Dear friends, colleagues!

The year 2023 has begun!

This is the 13th year that we are releasing our magazine. I am very glad that the journal, which was published only in electronic format for the first time in our country, has received wide recognition! In my appeal to the readers, published in the first issue of the journal (Vol. 1. No. 1. 2011), I wrote: “... Now you are holding in your hands the first issue of the journal, which ... and so on. But you do not hold anything in your hands! There is no paper magazine that smells of fresh paint, so familiar to us. It is impossible to quickly scroll through the magazine, to glance at the articles’ titles, the names of the authors, illustrations ... Now you just received an e-mail! You receive dozens of emails a day! But this is an unusual letter. Behind it you will see a new electronic magazine of our favorite specialty…”

We did not know how our project would develop, but we understood that time dictates new forms of conveying information and knowledge to the reader! And today I state with great pleasure that we were not mistaken! We have over 5.000 regular readers. The magazine is regularly published 4 times a year. We publish up to 100-120 original articles, clinical cases, literature reviews on current topics, lectures and articles on the history of our specialty. We receive a lot of interesting papers from abroad – Great Britain, Mexico, India, Iraq, Indonesia, Tunisia and others. This is enormous and hard job, and I am very grateful to my colleagues, members of the editorial board, editorial committee and technical specialists – all the work on admission, registration, blind review, text verification and translation into English, typesetting, mailing to subscribers and transfer to the website are performed exclusively on a voluntary basis!

And these are the results – our journal is being cited in the Scopus database and received the highest rating – category "K1" in the Russian citation system developed by the Higher attestation commission of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Higher attestation commission of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation No. 02-1198, dated 06.12.2022). We have officially switched to publishing articles on the new cipher of our changed specialty – «Code of specialty: 01.14.13 – Radiology, radiation therapy (medical sciences) from 28.12.2018 to 16.10.2022. Specialty code: 3.1.25. – Radiology (medical sciences) since 13.10.2022» (

I offer my sincere gratitude to everyone who works on our project, to all the authors and readers. I am sure that we will decently respond to the challenges of the time and will keep the quality of the magazine at the highest level!

As usual, we are waiting for your letters with articles, wishes and comments. Together we will make our magazine better.



Honoured Scientist,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

S.K. Ternovoy.