Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology (REJR) is a unique peer-reviewed scientific electronic publishing. The journal accepts for publication original articles, case studies, lectures, scientific reviews in all areas of radiology, radiotherapy and radiation safety.
Electronic log format provides broad access to publications, consistently high quality illustrative materials, and the possibility of placing video files. Each issue of the journal includes a free video master class from the leading radiology specialists.
Language: English and Russian.
Periodicity: 4 issues per year (quarterly).
The journal is distributed free of charge and available in Russian Federation and around the world.
The editorial board includes 6 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 3 Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 foreign professors.
Editorial board support policies aimed at complying with all the principles of publishing ethics. Ethical rules and regulations conform to leading international scientific publishing houses.
All submitted materials compulsory undergo double-blind peer review.
Certificate of Registration Media: El number FS77-44003 from 1 March 2011.
ISSN 2222-7415
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology is included in the list of HAC of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of theses for the degree of Candidate of Sciences should be published, for the degree of Doctor of Science in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Ministry of the order of July 25, 2014 № 793 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia August 25, 2014, registration number 33863), as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia on June 3, 2015 № 560 (registered by Ministry of Justice of Russia June 18, 2015, registration number 37697).
Contact Information:
Address for correspondence: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript . All materials for publication in the journal are sent to this address.
Deputy editor Serova Natalia S.: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript , phone + 7-499-246-79-91.
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