Articles are accepted in two languages: Russian and English.
· To submit articles for review is necessary to have a formal referral from the institution where the work was done, and the head of a visa on the first page.
· The article is sent to the editor by e-mail.
· The accompanying documents may be sent in a scanned form / post.
· The article should be typed in Times New Roman № 12, 1.5 line spacing. Pages must be numbered.
· On the first page, you must specify the initials and surname of the author (s), title of the article, full name of the institution (s) in which the work is done, city and country. Be sure to specify in which the institution operates each of the authors.
· The editors reserve the right, if necessary, to cut, to carry out the correction of the text of an article, and without notice to the authors.
Article submission guidelines:
Scheme of the article:
· Original articles should have the following sections: a brief introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion.
· For original articles we recommend to use CONSORT standards
· For systematic reviews and meta-analyzes - PRISMA standard.
Title page:
· In Russian: the title of the article; initials and names of authors; author’s affiliation to the appropriate agency; the full name of the institution from which came the work.
· In English: the title of the article; initials and names of authors; affiliation of the author to the appropriate agency; the full name of the institution from which came the work.
· For the first author, you must specify the phone number and e-mail to feedback
· Structured summaries for original articles in Russian and English must be constructed according to additional scheme:
1. Purpose of the study.
2. Material and methods.
3. Results.
4. Discussion.
5. Findings / Conclusions.
Keywords separated by a comma in Russian and English languages:
· When choosing keywords we recommend to use the dictionary of keywords MeSH.
· Authors should use the modern Russian scientific terminology and not use the "tracing paper" terms, transcribed from foreign words. Abbreviations and names (up to 3), in addition to the conventional rate measures the physical and mathematical quantities and terms are permitted only with the initial indication of the full name. Highly specialized terms should be defined.
The content of the original article:
· Introduction.
· Purpose of the study.
· Material and methods.
· Results.
· Discussion.
· Findings / Conclusions.
· Bibliography / References.
Additional requirements to the article:
· The author should verify the article. In mathematical formulas author should clearly mark all items: Latin and Greek letters, superscript or subscript, uppercase and lowercase letters, similar to writing letters and numbers.
· The bibliography should be compiled by the rules "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
· References should be numbered in the text and are given in parentheses, in accordance with the list of references.
· The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of the list of references.
· The international community does not recognize links to abstracts, so they should not be given.
· Tables should contain summarized and statistically processed data. Each table should have a number and title. Units are given in the SI system.
· Illustrative material (photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts) included in the text and in a separate file.
The illustration should have the general signature, and then explanation for all the digital and letter symbols. Captions to microphotographs must specify the stain type and zoom.
· The illustration should have the general signature, and then explanation for all the digital and letter symbols. Captions to microphotographs must specify the stain type and zoom.
· Photographs must be submitted in its original form without retouching and color corrections.
· Images must be submitted in TIFF, JPG (highest quality) formats.
· Image size must be at least 1500 * 1500 pixels.
· The subject must be in focus.
· The author of the article is required to sign. All authors should sign the collective article. By putting his signature under the article, the author thereby transmits editorial right to its publication, guarantees its originality and certify that neither the article nor the figures it had not been published previously and sent for publication in other editions.
· To determinate authorship, we recommend to use the ICJME criteria.
· The author must have accurate and complete information of the study described in the article, which can be provided upon request.
· The author has not the right to submit one article to the publication of several scientific journals. In the case of using the information, which had been previously published, the author must indicate the source and author of the cited information. Furthermore, the author must provide a copy of the cited article.
· The author must confirm his article is original, and indicate the sources cited information, if any, for resolution of references to the works of other authors.
· The author is responsible for compliance with national and local laws in the conduct of research involving humans and animals.
· The author must obtain permission from the person (s) who participated in the study and keep confidential.
· Author must declare the presence or absence of potential conflict of interest (for example, the competing interests that, in my opinion, may have a direct or indirect impact on the process of publication) (see Recommendations ICJME).
· If author identified significant errors in the publication, he should notify the editor immediately. Throughout the process of publication, the author is obliged to cooperate with the editor and publisher of adding, subtracting and correcting the article, if necessary. If any significant inaccuracies, errors after the publication the editors reserve the right to withdraw published article.
· The author takes full responsibility for possible plagiarism of text, graphics and other. Any violation of copyright will be considered according to the algorithm COPE.
· When reviewing copyright material Revision guided Intern. Committee of medical journal editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals // Ann. Intern. Med. 1997; 126: 36-47 and the principles of EASE «Singapore Statement on Research Integrity».
· Authors are encouraged to provide a link to your profile in the digital ORCID.
· The articles presented with rules of design violation will be not consider.
· We do not sent the proofreading to authors.
Articles should be sent to the email address: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Rules for reference lists:
· Rules for Bibliographies (bibliography) are based on "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
· The correct description of the sources used in reference lists is the guarantee that the quoted publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific work of the authors and the organizations where they work.
· The bibliographic description of Russian magazines should be full, foreign issues should match the style of PubMed and MEDLINE.
Making out the list:
1. Author (s) of the book or article (for copyright collective up to 6 persons inclusive of all mentions, for large groups of authors - the first 6 authors and "et al.")
2. If the authors of the books are editors, after the names should be "ed."
3. Title of the book or article;
4. Output data.
1. Tasali N., Cubuk R., Sinanoğlu O., Sahin K., Saydam B. MRI in Stress Urinary Incontinence Endovaginal MRI With an Intracavitary Coil and Dynamic Pelvic MRI. Urology Journal.2012; 9 (1): 397-404.
2. Tupikina N.V., Kasyan G.R., Gvozdev M.Yu., Barinova M.N., Pushkar' D.Yu. Stress incontinence after surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Experimental and clinical urology. 2014; 2: 98-102 (in Russian).
3. Barinova M.N., Solopova A.E., Gvozdev M.Yu., Godunov B.N., Ternovoy S.K. Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Stress Urinary Incontinence. Obstetrics, gynecology, reproductology.2015; 9 (1): 43-52 (in Russian).
For books, monographies, digests:
Yudin L.A., Kondrashin S.A. Radiology of the salivary glands diseases. Moscow, Vidar, 1995. 120 p. (in Russian).
For article with DOI:
McHugh K., Disini L. Commentary: for the children’s sake, avoid non-contrast CT. Cancer Imaging. 2011; 1 (11): 16–18. DOI: 10.1102/1470–7330.2011.0003
For internet source:
Chronic respiratory disease (2015). Available at: (accessed 7 February 2014) (in Russian).